Archive | August, 2013

Leap Over the Wall

28 Aug

It’s almost the end of August. So there goes my promise to you about posting frequently. Whooss, out the window. Nevertheless, I believe it is never to late for anyone to restart anything.

Today, I stumbled upon a very encouraging verse in Psalm

” …for it is YOU who light my lamp, the Lord my God lightens my darkness. For by YOU I can run against a troop, and by my God I can leap over a wall.”
(Psalm 18:28-29)

Lately, I’ve been asking a lot about the clear path and directions I should take in my life . I knew I had the calling three years ago, and I was so fervent in my pursue towards my goal. But reality has been taken me over, and before I realized it, I found myself surrounded and sedated by the routines. I personally don’t think my routines are bad or necessarily evil; however, they’ve got me busy and taken my zeal in pursuing the goal God has set before me. Right now, I feel like I am facing a wall, and I really don’t know where I should turn to. Right in front of me, is a big sense of responsibility my parents have put for me. They suggested that I work for them and hold a quite substantial position in the company (which I honestly don’t really want to be in). But for now, it feels like it’s the right thing to do. The word of God told me that I can leap over the wall, and this wall, I shall leap 🙂

Being faithful, patient and obedient is all that I need to do.

Bienvenue, Aôut!

1 Aug

Je t’a dit «Bienvenue, Aôut!»
Nous étions déja arrivés à mi-chemin d’anée!

Yes! it’s more that halfway through 2013 – how time flies!

As this is my birthday month and I am turning 26 soon (yes I am having the quarter-life crisis), I’d like to set before myself some goals for this month:

1. Get my thesis proposal done
2. Read a fiction book
3. Read a non-fiction book

I know, I’ve been dragging my thesis with me for a year or so, I really need to get it done ASAP. The first step I’m taking in reaching this goal is to make sure I read 2 or 3 academic journals per day. Amen!

And I know that my eyes will stay crossed permanently if I only read academic journals every day, so I’m thinking about balancing the left and right brain by reading a non-fiction. I’m down to 2 choices of author now: Ken Follett or John Green. Which one would you choose?
On top of that, I think I also need to read a non-fiction work to keep my written academic English in shape. I haven’t been writing for a while and I kind of forget about the diction, structure, and all that stuff. Having this blog will surely help.

Anyway, I gotta go and do my journal reading now.

…and to you, August, I welcome you!

Blessing 🙂